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Facebook Ads Success with Low Budgets & Limited Daily Spend
A Surprising Case Study of a Brand New Facebook Ad Account with Zero History and a new Facebook Page.
I'm going to share with you a case study that not only surprised the client but also me, and my team, as well.
We were asked to create a Black Friday campaign, with a brand new Facebook Page, Ad Account, and a website that never had paid advertising traffic, and no Tracking Pixel.
Challenge was on.
We added a GTM (Google Tag Manager) to the website and set up a brand new Pixel, with only browser-side tracking based on URL and click tracking. Being a custom site, we didn't have time for server-side Conversions API setup.
We created the Facebook Page, and added it to an Ad Account that was new. As it was new, Meta automatically limits daily spend.
(Side note: The ad account was used for the same client, but for a different website, different Pixel similar products.)
Setting the Stage
Couple of things you need to know, to understand why these campaigns were successful:
1. Product Market Fit
The products advertised were in full season, and we know there is hot market. The products were alcohol distilling machines and accessories.
2. Price
The price of the main products are high, starting at ~€500. This is also important because of the ROAS we ended up.
3. Audience
We knew the audience. Farmer living in rural area, aged 35+, who likes to "cook tuica".
(Tuica is a Romanian "homemade brandy").
4. Promotion
It was Black Friday period, so people are on buyer mode. Plus, there was a discount slapped on the products.
The timing was key as we got the Black Friday, plus full season for "tuica cooking".
Campaign Execution
So, we got to work and planned a 3-day Black Friday Sale.
We used the MVAC framework to start testing and hopefully scaling this 3-day Black Friday Sale.
If you don't know the MVAC system, then go and read DAS #04, but here is the
TL;DR - MVAC - Minimum Viable Ad Campaign:
Step 1: Simple Structuring
Step 2: Message
Step 3: Testing and Analysis
Step 4: Scaling winners
Step 5: Rinse and Repeat
Let me take you through the steps and show the ad campaigns.
Step 1: Simple Structuring
1 Campaign
1 Advantage+ Ad Set (age 35+) - we let Facebook find the customers
3 Ads: 1 image, 1 video slideshow, 1 carousel
Ad creatives:
Simple product showcase, with minimal text.
Headline: Black Friday
Offer: showcasing discounts
Scarcity: Sales period
Step 2: Messaging
We use simple messaging: Black Friday Sale Discount
Headline: 1-3 variations
Body text: 1-3 variations
1 Call to Action
Ad copy:
Hook - Black Friday Started
Text: up to 30% discount
Scarcity: 3 day sale
CTA: Shop Now
That's more than enough, as Black Friday is the only time of the year when you can ask people to BUY NOW without shame.
You can see the exact 3 ads we created below:
Static Ad
Carousel Ad
Video Ad
Step 3: Testing and Analysis
As time was short, we didn't need adjust the ad creatives or copy after 4-5 days. We let it run for the full 3 days.
Step 4: Scaling winners
We set a lifetime budget for the initial cold campaign, as we knew the ad accoutn had limited daily spend.
Step 5: Rinse and Repeat
Nothing to adjust because of the short period for the campaign.
Let's see the results:
Day 1:
Launched the Advantage+ Campaign with lifetime budget of €300 for the 3-day sales period.
Spend: ~€60 (because of daily spending limit)
ROAS: 4.33
Best performing ad: Carousel
Day 1 - Advantage+ Campaign
Day 2:
As we saw results already, we quickly created a remarketing camapaign, with 2 separate ad sets targeting Website Visitors and Facebook Page Engagers, with a lifetime budget of €200 for two days.
We used the same ads as for the Advantage+ Campaign.
The ad account was still limited, so the full budget was not spent.
Advantage+ Campaign:
Spend: ~€38
ROAS: 30.28
Best performing ad: Video
Day 2 - Advantage+ Campaign
Remarketing Campaign:
Spend: ~€38
ROAS: 17.14
Best performing ad in both ad sets: Carousel
Better performing ad set: Facebook Engagement
Day 2 - Remarketing Campaign
The re-marketing audiences were small, as this page never received traffic from Facebook.
Still, the results were astonishing.
Day 3:
We got lucky!
With the lifting of the daily spend limit by Facebook, the campaigns were able to reach their full potential.
Advantage+ Campaign:
Spend: ~€195
ROAS: 23.27
Best performing ad: Carousel
To my surprise, carousel outperformed video.
Remarketing Campaign:
Spend: ~€157
ROAS: 7.35
Best performing ad in both ad sets: Carousel
Better performing ad set: Web visitors
Day 3 - Remarketing Campaign
The ad sets flipped and the FB Page engagers became the under performer.
This campaign needed more to optimize.
3 Day Overall Results:
Spend: ~€426
ROAS: 14.86
Conversions Value: ~€7820
In the end, success!
And a success we didn't expect.
The carousel ad format continued to outperform, further solidifying its effectiveness in driving conversions.
3-Day Overall Results
Key Takeaways
Black Friday as a Sales Driver
Capitalizing on seasonal events like Black Friday cannot be overstated, particularly for products with strong market demand.
Facebook's Machine Learning Targeting is powerful
Despite spending limitations, Facebook's targeting capabilities proved extremely valuable in reaching the desired audience segments effectively.
Success on a Small Budget and short time scale
Significant results can be achieved even with limited resources and tight timelines, if you do the bare minimum.
The Power of Demand, Timing, and Offer
Aligning product offerings with market demand and seasonal trends is critical for maximizing campaign effectiveness.
Let me know what you think of this case study by replying via email. Do you want to more case studies?
Disclaimer: The results presented in this case study are not typical and may vary depending on various factors. The intent is to share insights and learnings rather than brag about extraordinary achievements. We are not Facebook Ad gurus who are better than everyone.